
Flyers & Catalogues

Here you can download some of our brochures and flyers.

Citymap of Hattingen

You can find our city centre map of Hattingen here download.

Hattingen has ideas

Discover Hattingen in many different ways. Our flyer clearly lists the possibilities. To the download.

Hattingen has flair

Hattingen - the old town of the Ruhr area. Infloflyer about Hattingen here download.

Hattingen has nice toilets

You can use Hattingen's restaurant toilets for free - also at events in the city centre.

Of course, the use is free of charge.
The respective restaurateurs take care of the maintenance.

Together with the public toilets, toilets are available at nine locations in the city centre.

Download the toilet directory here.

Hattingen has treasures

Flyer about the museums in Hattingen. Here to Download.
Hattingen has treasures flyer

Hattingen has castles

Hattingen has rust and knights - flyer about the three castles in Hattingen. Here to Download.
Hattingen has castles

Historical Blankenstein

A tour through the historic centre Here to Download.
Hattingen Blankenstein Historical

The town gates of Hattingen

Information flyer about the interesting Hattingen town gates. Here to Download.
Hattingen city gates

City centre plan for people with walking disabilities

Top destination "Elfringhauser Schweiz"

Overview map, leisure activities, food and drink. Here to Download.
Hattingen flyer on Elfringhausen Switzerland

Historic Hattingen

The old town tour through the historic centre. Here to Download.
Hattingen Historical Flyer

Hattingen offers plenty to do for the whole family

Family flyer for activities in and around Hattingen. Here to Download.

Hattingen has family experiences flyer

Hattingen has rental bikes

Further information and maps relating to the Hattingen hire bikes. Here to Download.


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  • Ermittlung der wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung des Tourismus: Deine Angaben zu Ausgaben und Aktivitäten helfen dabei, die ökonomische Bedeutung des Tourismus für die Region zu analysieren. So können wir verstehen, welchen Einfluss der Tourismus auf die lokale Wirtschaft hat.
  • Vergleich und Weiterentwicklung der Region: Durch deine Sicht auf den Aufenthalt erfahren wir, wie Nordrhein-Westfalen und das Ruhrgebiet im Vergleich zu anderen touristischen Zielen abschneiden. Ihr Feedback zeigt uns, wo Potenziale liegen, um die Region als Reiseziel noch attraktiver zu gestalten und zukünftige Urlaubsreisen zu fördern.

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